The only species of wood that we use at Simply Oak™ for our beautiful “Bespoke” flooring material is European White Oak (Quercus Robur). We are passionate about this species and it has been prized for 1,000’s of years of its durability, density and beauty.
• Depending on their species, the trees are 20 to 30 to 40 years old when they produce their first acorns.
• The oak is a common symbol of strength and endurance and has been chosen as the national tree of many countries. Oak is national tree of USA, Germany, Serbia, Cyprus, England, France, Moldova, Romania, Jordan, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Wales, and Bulgaria.
• Although it is rarely reached, the symbol of an 80th wedding anniversary is oak. Your eightieth wedding anniversary is a huge milestone and a very meaningful time in your life – it is celebrated with a traditional gift of oak.
• Oak planking was first common on elite Viking Longships in the 9th and 10th centuries.
• Legend states that King Arthur’s round table was made from one gigantic slice of a very ancient oak tree.
• Oak has long been Valued for use in buildings as it is prized for its strength, elasticity, and durability, a fine example can be seen in the oak timbers for the magnificent arch roof of Westminster Hall in the Houses of Parliament (London) which dates back to the 14th century.
Let Simply Oak™ inspire you on your next project with our beautiful offerings.