Salisbury Cathedral is an Anglican Cathedral in Salisbury, England. The cathedral is regarded as one of the leading examples of Early English architecture. Its main body was completed in 38 years, from 1220 to 1258. It is a most imposing and impressive structure in the British Isles and at its heart is oak. Considered a “Master” piece of British medieval architecture created almost 800 years ago and throughout its incredible structure oak has been put to use.
During its construction it is estimated that 2,641 tons of oak were employed to help build the cathedral.
But it is not until you ascend above the vaulted plaster ceilings that you can really understand how important this single species of tree has been. This building has within it whole forests reimagined and re-moulded by human hands.
European White Oak is an incredible building material as history shows, prized for 1,000’s of years of its durability, density and beauty.
How will Simply Oak™ help create your piece of history….